CellCore Biosciences:

Redefining Health

Foundational medicine is the missing piece in many integrative practices. The heart of Western medicine is to address vitamin and mineral deficiencies, nutrition, emotional health, and exercise. However, foundational medicine comes before everything, because it addresses three key areas - in a specific order - that lay the foundation for the body to naturally heal, detoxify, and promote optimal wellness:

  1. Supporting Mitochondrial function

  2. Supporting the proper functioning of the body’s drainage pathways, or what we refer to as the drainage funnel:

  3. Supporting the body’s natural ability to detoxify.


To order products, please login into cellcore.com and order supplements using my patient code: TrbmnSZg.

Another option is to text 716-508-7367 and arrange a time to stop in the office and pick up supplements in stock.

Our Killers-

Did you know that human parasites are organisms that are in or on humans, and can cause a wide range of health problems, from mild discomfort to severe diseases. Common symptoms of parasites are, abdominal pain or cramping, diarrhea or constipation, nausea or vomiting, bloating and gas, unexplained weight loss, fatigue or weakness, loss of appetite, nutritional deficiencies, skin rashes, and fever.


Para 1 –

Para 1 is CellCore’s flagship immune and digestive support supplement, made from 100% pure Mimosa pudica seed.*

Naturally gelatinous, Para 1 becomes jelly-like and sticky as it makes its way through the GI tract. This encourages the removal of occasional intestinal buildup, supports the gut microbiome, and promotes the body’s natural ability to detoxify.*

Benefits: Aids the removal of foreign organisms, debris and waste matter in the gut. Encourages healthy digestion and drainage. Supports the body’s natural detox processes.

Para 2 –

Para 2 is formulated with a variety of herbs to support immunity and the gut microbiome, as well as promote the body’s natural ability to detoxify.*

Amla fruit, clove bud, holarrhena, neem leaf, and vidanga fruit team up to optimize digestion, support bowel regularity, and help maintain a healthy gut-bacterial balance.*

Para 2 is gentle on the system and safe to take at any time for digestive support.*

Benefits: Includes a unique combination of herbs to support pathogen elimination.

Para 3 –

A blend of seven herbs — including clove, black walnut hull, and holy basil — works together to support the body’s natural detoxification processes and gut microbiome.* 

As one of our most potent detoxification support supplements, Para 3’s liquid tincture format allows the ingredients to be absorbed more rapidly and gives patients complete control over dosing to match their comfort levels. 

Note:  Because of its potency, Para 3 should be cycled and taken for three weeks on, one week off. The other Para products do not need to be cycled like this.

Benefits: Acts as potent immune and digestive support. Comes in liquid form for easy absorption.

Our Killers cont…


Para 4 –

Para 4 is a blend of 11 potent herbs known for supporting digestion, detoxification, and immunity, including celery seed, cordyceps, holy basil, horse tail, noni root, and sarsaparilla.*

These herbs were carefully selected to offer antimicrobial properties and help target a wide variety of microorganisms by reducing bacterial, fungal, and viral loads.*

With sensitive individuals in mind, Para 4 is formulated without black walnut hulls, which is a common ingredient found in many immune-boosting supplements.*


This team of 24 botanicals — including black walnut hulls, cat’s claw bark, eleuthero root, nettle leaf, turmeric root, white willow bark, wormwood, and several adaptogenic herbs — is designed to support a healthy immune response, nurture the immune system, aid energy production, and support the body’s natural detoxification processes.*

The liquid tincture format promotes faster absorption and maximum potency, as well as allows for customized dosing. As a concentrated tincture, IS-BORR has higher potency than capsules.

For those who are sensitive, it’s recommended to start with a low dose, gradually working up to the recommended daily dose.


Maintain your immune defenses with this tincture of seven adaptogenic herbs and botanicals, including black walnut hulls, cilantro leaf, milk thistle seed, suma root (Brazilian ginseng), and sweet Annie plant (sweet wormwood).*

Together, these ingredients support the body’s natural immune defenses and detoxification processes, while promoting energy production.*

The liquid tincture format promotes faster absorption and maximum potency, as well as allows for customized dosing. As a concentrated tincture, IS-BART has higher potency than capsules.

For those who are sensitive, it’s recommended to start with a low dose, gradually working up to the recommended daily dose.

Our Killers cont…



This team of 15 botanicals and adaptogenic herbs — including black walnut hulls, devil’s claw root, milk thistle seed, Japanese knotweed, white willow bark, and wormwood — is designed to nurture the immune system, promote energy production, and support the body’s natural detoxification processes.*

This blend can also help support the integrity of red blood cells in the body, which makes it ideal for maintaining everyday wellness.*

The liquid tincture format promotes faster absorption and maximum potency, as well as allows for customized dosing. As a concentrated tincture, IS-BAB has higher potency than capsules.

For those who are sensitive, it’s recommended to start with a low dose, gradually working up to the recommended daily dose.

IS-Boost –

IS-BOOST combines a blend of 14 herbs, including cilantro leaf, dandelion root, licorice root, oregano leaf, pau d’arco bark, and thyme leaf.

Together, these herbs support healthy bile flow, immunity, optimal digestive function, and the body’s natural detoxification processes.*

The liquid tincture format promotes faster absorption and maximum potency, as well as allows for customized dosing. As a concentrated tincture, IS-BOOST has higher potency than capsules.

For those who are sensitive, it’s recommended to start with a low dose, gradually working up to the recommended daily dose.

Watch for a new FB page coming soon with testimonials!

Our Gut Support

Protocol Add Ons


CT-Biotic –

CT-Biotic is a blend of spore-forming and non-spore-forming bacteria combined with BioActive Carbon®. It provides 11 bacterial strains that are essential for supporting detoxification, digestive function, and immunity.*

The addition of BioActive Carbon® sets CT-Biotic apart from other probiotic supplements.

As a blend of fulvic and humic acids, BioActive Carbon® helps protect all bacterial strains from being destroyed or damaged by stomach acid, so that cultures are still intact by the time they reach the lower GI tract.*

CT-Zyme –

Support digestive function, nutrient absorption, energy production, and immunity with CT-Zyme.*

This proprietary blend of 11 digestive enzymes — including amylase, beta glucanase, bromelain, and cellulase — assist the body in digesting high-fiber and nutrient-dense foods, such as beans, fruit, grains, lentils, and vegetables.*

Each enzyme in CT-Zyme functions at a specific pH, which makes the enzymes effective at every stage of digestion as it passes through the gastrointestinal tract.

When taken with meals, CT-Zyme acts as a digestive enzyme. When taken 1-2 hours away from food, it acts as a proteolytic enzyme.

Our Mental Emotional Support

A Frequency Based Formula

Our Inflammation Support -

Protocol Add on

Our Binders-

Systemic. Selective. High Energy. Naturally Nano-sized Fulvic Acid Extracts to cross BBB


BioToxin Binder –

BioToxin Binder promotes the body’s natural ability to detoxify.* It lends increased support to the gut microbiome, which optimizes immunity and digestive function.* The addition of Carbon Technology also supports cellular repair and increased energy production.*

BioToxin Binder is an ideal first-step detoxification support supplement. We recommend taking it prior to Carboxy, HM-ET Binder, or ViRadChem Binder.

ViRadChem Binder –

ViRadChem Binder promotes the body’s natural ability to detoxify environmental and microbial contaminants while supporting cellular repair.* Acai, artichoke leaf, broccoli leaf, and wheatgrass are added to lend increased support to the body’s free radical scavenging systems.

The addition of BioActive Carbon® Technology also supports increased energy production, which is essential for helping the body carry out its routine detoxification functions.*

ViRadChem Binder is an ideal second-step detox support supplement.* We recommend taking it after BioToxin Binder, and before Carboxy and HM-ET Binder.

HM-ET Binder –

HM-ET Binder supports the body’s natural ability to detoxify and encourages cellular repair.* With the addition of Carbon Technology, it lends increased support to mitochondrial health, immunity, energy production, and long-term health.*

HM-ET Binder is primarily designed for clients who are in the intermediate stages of promoting detoxification.* Because of this, HM-ET Binder is typically recommended after a client has already introduced BioToxin Binder and ViRadChem Binder to their routine.

Our Binders cont….


Carboxy –

Carboxy is a binder that promotes the body’s natural detoxification processes and supports a balanced gut microbiome.*

It contains short- and long-chain carbons, which can travel to different parts of the body, beyond the gut. This makes Carboxy an ideal detox support supplement for whole body wellness.*

The addition of Carbon Technology promotes increased cellular energy production and repair.*

Carboxy is our most potent binder. It’s primarily designed for patients who are in the intermediate stages of promoting detoxification.* Because of this, Carboxy is typically recommended after a patient has already introduced BioToxin Binder, ViRadChem Binder, or HM-ET Binder to their routine.

Our Mitochondrial Support



BC-ATP is our most powerful supplement for supporting and optimizing mitochondrial function.*

When the body has the nutrients it needs to support mitochondria and ATP output, patients can experience improved cognitive function, mental clarity and focus, and sustained physical energy.*

The highly charged organic acids support metabolism and the ATP cycle in being at peak efficiency.* These carbons also assist in the body’s natural detoxification processes, contribute to a balanced gut microbiome, promote cellular renewal, and support immune health.*

In clinical practice, BC-ATP is generally well-tolerated by sensitive patients and can help improve protocol tolerance.

CT-Minerals –

Now in a more potent capsule form, CT-Minerals are a convenient way to help support your body’s daily micronutrient needs for optimal cognitive function, energy production, immune function, mental clarity, nervous system support – and to enhance your overall feeling of well-being.*

Each capsule provides minerals derived from fulvic acid, which is sourced from the soil and decomposed plant life. Fulvic acids naturally contain trace minerals and are typically easier for the body to digest, absorb, and utilize.*

In addition to their trace mineral content, fulvic acids help nourish the gut microbiome, support gut function, and may help assist nutrient absorption from other foods and supplements.* They also have chelating properties, which encourages the body’s natural ability to detoxify.*

The CT-Minerals capsules have the same fulvic acid formula as the previous liquid supplement, but now include magnesium to enhance the mineral content. Magnesium is one of the most needed minerals in the body and is depleted by daily stress.*

CT-Minerals includes two highly bioavailable and easily absorbed forms of magnesium: Magnesium malate and magnesium acetyl taurate. The powdered minerals equivalent in the NEW CT-Minerals capsules contains more than twice the amount of minerals in one ten-drop dose of the liquid formula. Therefore, only one dose is needed daily by comparison.

Our Drainage Products


Bowel Mover–

Bowel Mover is a natural digestive aid that gently promotes bowel movements, supports intestinal health, peristalsis, and proper digestive function.*

Twelve herbs and botanicals in this proprietary blend — including clove bud, fennel seed, garlic bulb, senna leaf, and wormwood — are formulated in specific ratios for maximum efficacy. They work together to increase water absorption in the stool and support normal digestive, intestinal, and stomach function.*

KL Support –

As an integral part of the body’s cleaning and filtering system, healthy kidney and liver function is essential to good health — especially while promoting periods of cleansing.

KL Support combines herbs and nutrients traditionally used to support kidney and liver health, including beetroot, gynostemma extract, marshmallow root, milk thistle seed, N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC), and parsley leaf.* Together, these support fat metabolism, hepatic blood flow, and healthy urinary tract and bladder function, while helping the body carry out its natural detoxification processes.*

Advanced TUDCA –

Advanced TUDCA, a vegan TUDCA supplement, is a bile acid supplement for liver support formulated for liver health, detoxification, and digestion by stimulating bile production.*

Benefits of Advanced TUDCA:

Liver Health Support*

Tauroursodeoxycholic acid, or TUDCA, is a water-soluble bile acid that’s naturally produced by the body and found in liver bile. When taken as a supplement, TUDCA benefits the body by helping to stimulate the release of bile into the digestive tract.

Benefits of CellCore’s Advanced TUDCA supplement include support for detoxification within the liver, digestion, and advanced liver health.*

  • Promotes the body’s natural detoxification processes*

  • Supports all three phases of liver detoxification, focusing on bile production and movement*

  • Vegan, with synthetic ingredients to ensure purity and ethical sourcing

  • Formulated with BioActive Carbon® Technology for enhanced cellular repair*

  • Can be used alone or with the CellCore Foundational and Comprehensive Protocols for optimal digestive and liver function*

Our Drainage Products cont…


LymphActiv –

Proper lymphatic movement is essential for establishing optimal drainage and supporting the body’s natural detoxification processes. Unlike the cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system doesn’t have its own pump to help drain fluids from tissues.

LymphActiv offers a powerful blend of herbs to support the body’s natural detoxification processes and lymphatic motion needed to support drainage — including astragalus root, red clover extract, burdock root, bitter melon extract and cleavers.*

Together, these botanicals also support healthy adrenal and liver function, immunity, and mental clarity.*

Drainage Activator –

Drainage Activator is a breakthrough drainage support supplement that focuses on a key area of the body that’s never been addressed: The extracellular matrix (ECM).

The ECM is comprised of fluids that live between your cells. This area is not only vital to cellular health and energy production but plays a key role in lymphatic drainage and movement, as well as gut and liver health.

This formulation includes six adaptogenic mushrooms and numerous herbs proven to assist the body’s natural drainage and detoxification processes*, including manjistha, olive leaf, Nigella sativa, gotu kola, and St.John’s Wort.

In clinical practice, Drainage Activator is well-tolerated. It can be introduced at any stage of a wellness journey and taken alongside our kits and protocols at any point extra drainage support is needed.

Our Hormone Support-

All are protocol add ons



GCO is formulated with nutrients and herbs — including astaxanthin, berberine HCL, cassia bark, and Masson pine bark — to support existing healthy blood sugar levels, metabolism, cardiovascular health, and digestive function.*

The addition of BioActive Carbon® supports cellular renewal, repair, and energy production, as well as healthy mitochondrial function.*


S-TRO contains a proprietary blend of adaptogenic herbs — including ashwagandha, astragalus root extract, maca root, Masson pine bark extract, and turmeric to support healthy estrogen and testosterone levels in both men and women.*

Hormone imbalances are common amongst men and women today. Adaptogenic herbs help the body “adapt” and adjust to changes or fluctuations to maintain optimal balance.* The nutrients found in these herbs, combined with extracts of fulvic acid, support the body’s natural ability to detoxify.*

S-TRO is ideal to support the body throughout periods of naturally occurring hormonal fluctuations and can be taken at any life stage (aside from pregnancy and breastfeeding) to encourage overall wellness and longevity.*

By supporting the endocrine system and hormonal balance, S-TRO promotes the following in both men and women: bone density, fertility, healthy libido, healthy metabolism, improved digestion, mood support, normal adrenal response, and skin health.*

Metabolic Activator –

Metabolic Activator is a NEW comprehensive metabolic support liquid supplement.* This unique combination of key nutrients work together to provide powerful support for healthy metabolic, thyroid and mitochondrial function.*

Metabolic Activator combines iodine with Coleus forskohlii extract, selenium, potassium iodide, riboflavin, and molybdenum, which work synergistically to support thyroid and metabolic activity.*

CellCore Carbon Technology helps to aid absorption and protect and drive each nutrient to where it needs to go in the body, thanks to the soil-derived, highly bio-available fulvic acid blend.*

This one-of-a-kind formula supports hormonal function, including sex hormones, glucose metabolism and the conversion of thyroid hormones (T4 to T3).* Metabolic Activator can assist in upregulating production of cyclic AMP (cAMP), aid healthy antioxidant balance, and support healthy weight management.*

Metabolic Activator can be taken by anyone who will benefit from increased metabolic support.* It can be taken alongside all CellCore products, kits, and protocols. A convenient liquid format allows for customized dosing.

Disclaimer: Do not take this product if you are pregnant. If you’re breastfeeding, consult a licensed healthcare practitioner before adding to your routine.

Our Immune Support

Protocol Add Ons


CytoImmune –

CytoImmune is the perfect immune supplement to have on hand before you need it.

A well-rounded, ideal solution for a healthy immune and inflammatory response year-round, CytoImmune can be taken at the early onset of symptoms, for seasonal immune support, and during periods where immunity may be weakened – such as when traveling or experiencing stress.*

This cutting-edge formula features eight herbs that work synergistically to support an effective immune system and inflammatory response, as well as the respiratory system and healthy breathing in the face of modern-day health challenges.* It also aids energy production and stamina, gentle detoxification, and cognitive health during periods of weakened immunity.*

Each ingredient in CytoImmune – including Nigella sativa, quercetin, Cordyceps extract, neem, and horsetail – has been carefully selected for its rich antioxidant content, proven capability to enhance immune defenses, and ability to work more effectively together than if taken individually.*

CardioImmune –

This one-of-a-kind formula was meticulously developed with eight antioxidant-rich herbs scientifically backed to support normal blood flow and viscosity, cardiovascular function, and immunomodulation.* Ideal for those facing and recovering from modern-day health challenges, it offers a dual-action approach to support heart health and immune function.*

CardioImmune includes nattokinase, yarrow root, stinging nettle leaf, Isatis root extract, Danshen root, cayenne pepper fruit, wormwood, and cat’s claw bark extract. These ingredients work synergistically to support normal inflammatory responses and the body’s natural ability to neutralize free radicals and reduce oxidative stress.*

Each ingredient assists cardiovascular health and the immune system in unique ways, such as aiding lymphatic movement, gentle detoxification, and cellular repair.* This robust blend is also ideal for patients looking to support normal blood pressure levels, circulation, and oxygenation.*

To order products, please login into cellcore.com and order supplements using my patient code: TrbmnSZg.

Another option is to text 716-508-7367 and arrange to pick up available products at our office.

Our Protocols and Kits-

See all on our site, www.cellcore.com


Foundational Protocol –

Our approach to detox is different. It's important to target specific components of your body in the proper order to get to the true sources holding back your health. The Foundational Protocol provides a four-phased proven approach to put you on the road to recovery by guiding you through a true detox experience.

Comprehensive Protocol –

Para Kit (Full Moon Challenge) –

The supplements in this kit provide key herbs and nutrients to support the body’s natural ability to detoxify during a full moon, including Mimosa pudica seed, amla fruit, black walnut hull, clove bud, holy basil, neem.* These ingredients also lend increased support to digestion, the immune system, and the gut microbiome.*

The brightness of the full moon naturally creates a drop in melatonin production, which downregulates the immune system. The Para Kit is designed to optimize the body’s natural detoxification processes and nourish your system before, during, and after a full moon — which occurs 12 times per year.*

Note: Since the Para Kit offers a more intensive approach to supporting the body’s natural detoxification processes, it’s recommended for patients to increase their drainage support before and during introducing this kit. For example, with Advanced TUDCA, Bowel Mover, or any of the other supplements in Phase One of the Comprehensive Protocol or Step One of the Foundational Protocol. it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.